Short Courses Augmenting Naturopathy:

A typical Closed-system Hydro-colonic Clinic

Diploma Course in Hydro-Colonic.

Two-weeks with lectures and books.  Hands on Laboratory, Closed-system, Open-system, and Wood's-gravity method.

II Corinthians 7:1  "Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God."

Aqua Doc is the most innovative & functional Hydro-Colonic naturopathic  instrument ever  designed and developed for Colon Hygienists and Naturopathic Practitioners.

A classic example of a closed-system colon hydrotherapy instrument invented, designed and and home-assembled by Dr. Willie M. Manipol, ND, CNP, DrPH 


Diploma Course in Hydro-Colonic. Two-weeks with lectures and books.  Hands on Laboratory, Closed-system, Open-system, and Wood's-gravity method. 


Death Begins in the Colon!

Hydro-Colonic Training Workshop

How Does A Colonic Work?

Colon Hydrotherapy (a.k.a. colonic, colon cleansing and colonic irrigation) is a safe, effective method of removing waste from the large intestine, without the use of drugs, for the purpose of removing waste, stimulating peristalsis, and hydrating the colon.

Infusing filtered and temperature regulated water into the colon, the waste is softened and loosened, resulting in evacuation through natural peristalsis. The inflow of a small amount of water and the release of waste is repeated several times. The removal of waste encourages better colon function and elimination hydration. Often used by people who experience constipation, the specialized equipment ensures you an easy, odorless, and safe way of eliminating. Colon hydrotherapy is one of the most effective ways of cleansing the lower intestinal tract (colon) and detoxifying the overall system. Hydration of the colon is extremely important. When we fail to hydrate our bodies, the colon is dehydrated as well as the waste inside. Dehydrated waste is difficult to move through the bowel and pass through the rectum. A colonic rehydrates stagnant waste, breaking it apart and flushing it out in addition to hydrating the colon itself. A hydrated colon is an effective colon. Eighty percent of all constipation cases are the result of dehydration. Clients may experience relief after having a colonic and report an overall sense of well being.

Other Reasons to Get A Colonic

Many of our clients receive the treatments during a period of lifestyle change or as a preventive measure.

*Stomach problems: constipation, carbohydrate indigestion, diarrhea, gas, bloat, hemorrhoids, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, diverticulitis, colitis, parasites, skin conditions such as psoriasis, shingles, and eczema, inability to lose weight, and scar tissue and adhesions from surgery.

*Pain: abdominal pain, continuous headaches and migraines, back or shoulder pain, aching joints, gout.


*Immune issues like: allergies, immune-compromised with lupus, MS, rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis, cancer, chronic fatigue, Epstein-Barre, candida, infections, colds or influenza.


*Emotional issues: which they feel are physiologically rooted in their intestines so they do a combination of Colon Hydro therapy treatments and Theta Healing sessions.

What Colonics Do For The Colon...

*Cleanse the Colon: Toxins built up over a long period are gently removed in a series of treatments. Your colon can begin to co-operate again as it was intended. In this sense, a colonic is a rejuvenation treatment.

*Exercise the Colon Muscles: The build-up of toxins weakens the colon and impairs its functioning. The gentle filling and emptying of the colon improves peristalsis (muscular contraction) by which the colon naturally moves material. Receiving regular colonics is like taking your colon to the gym.

*Stimulate Reflex Points in the Colon: 

The colon is connected to every system and organ in the body by reflex points. The colonic stimulates these points thereby affecting the corresponding body parts in a beneficial way. Thus creating overall well-being and health in the body. 

*Hydrate the Whole Body: Water is absorbed into the body through the colon which increases the volume of blood. The circulation of the blood is increased, resulting in a greater bathing of the cells. This dilutes the toxins and flushes them out; relieving toxemia and uremia; and increasing elimination both through the kidneys, and the skin as well as the bowels. All this generally assists the cardiovascular and circulatory systems to be more efficient.


Certificate in Dry/Live Blood Analysis - Two-day Seminar, with book, limited students.


Leviticus 17:11  "For the life of the flesh [is] in the blood...."

Our course is open to anyone who has studied a medical or complementary/alternative health modality that includes an understanding of anatomy, physiology and nutrition.

Live & Dry Blood Analysis is considered an add-on health screening tool for use by complimentary health practitioners and doctors. As such, in order to use the skills learnt on our course, you need to be able to work professionally with clients/patients, offering diet and lifestyle advice and to prescribe supplements or other interventions legally.


Live/Dry Blood Analysis


Every moment of our adult lives, around 1.2 to 1.5 gallons of blood circulate throughout our bodies. It carries oxygen to our muscles and brains, works to regenerate our bodies after injuries, and fights invading viruses. Where a human heart, liver, or kidney excels at a single job, our blood takes the role of a jack-of-all-trades, picking up the slack and working throughout the entire body to keep it running normally. What you might not know, however, is the role your blood can play in preventive and holistic medicine. 

Live/dry blood analysis, sometimes called blood cell analysis, is an alternative approach to pathology blood tests, developed by German doctor Günther Enderlein and his team of scientists over 100 years ago. Simply put, it’s the process of analysing a tiny amount of live blood through a high-resolution microscope. This allows an analyst, and the patient themselves, to literally see the condition of our blood. Gaining this perspective allows us to get an advanced look of potential future health issues, and make changes accordingly. 

Because of your blood’s regular interaction with every facet of your body, it’s the perfect place to search for early warning signs. Live/dry blood analysis also allows us to measure the pH level of your blood, a level that should be delicately balanced for peak health. 

For those looking to get a good look at what future health issues might be hiding under the surface, a live/dry blood analysis is your answer. At Corinthian Naturopathic Wellness Services, we can use this technique to detect:

  • Inflammation throughout the body
  • Liver stress or inefficient liver function
  • A weakened immune system 
  • Blood sugar imbalances
  • Food intolerances and allergies
  • Other allergies
  • Heavy metal toxicity levels
  • Bowel issues, such as parasites, issues with gut bacteria, and fungal infections such as Candida
  • Free radical damage (damage to DNA after exposure to radiation)
  • Cell counts for red and white blood cells, as well as platelets
  • If you’re fighting a virus, and whether it’s chronic or acute
  • Abnormal adrenal and hormone levels
  • Nutrient deficiencies

Why opt for a live/dry blood analysis?

People sometimes confuse a blood analysis with a pathology blood test, such as the one your family doctor might send you for. While the standard medical blood test is invaluable for getting basic information about your blood, and by extension, your body, there are a few benefits unique to blood analysis. A big reason for this difference is the way the blood is collected, and subsequently analyzed. In your typical medical blood test, the blood sample you so generously provided is long dead by the time it’s under the microscope. Not only that, but the sample is usually smeared with reagent or contrast chemicals, in order to test for a select few things. These standardized blood tests are very useful, but only if you know what you’re looking for.

Conversely, blood analysis not only looks at your blood sample as it’s still active and alive, but also avoids the use of foreign chemicals completely. Instead, we observe and analyze from a holistic perspective, and the effect of this difference is remarkable. Where a pathology blood test allows a narrow, static image of your blood and your body, blood analysis offers us an active, living slice of life, allowing us to take a look at what’s truly going on within your body right now.

Every 3 to 4 months, the blood in your body is replaced by all new cells. What this means is that we can use periodic blood analyses as ‘snapshots’ of your body’s overall health. Since the analysis takes place right after collecting your blood sample, this allows you to make immediate changes to your lifestyle as necessary. After a few months of a diet change, new exercise regimen, or the introduction of supplements, we can check in again, and see what’s changed since your last blood analysis. 

Live or dry, what’s the difference?

Live blood analysis refers to the procedure of taking a tiny sample of blood, and immediately placing it under a high-resolution dark field microscope. This technology allows us to see the blood’s behavior, as if it was still swimming through your veins. A dry blood analysis, on the other hand, is just what it sounds like. Rather than analyzing the sample immediately, we allow it to coagulate and dry, and analyze it then. Experienced analysts can actually tell a lot about a person’s health by the way their blood dries. 

While some blood analysts will choose one of these methods over the other, at Corinthian Naturopathic,  we use them in tandem. Since the point of blood analysis is a comprehensive overview of your body’s condition, it only makes sense to cast as wide a net as possible. This way, we can improve the chances of catching developing health issues before they can become a real problem.

Living Your Best Life

At Corinthian Naturopathic Wellness Services, we truly believe in the power of this field of study, and we’ve seen firsthand how empowering it can be to take your health into your own hands. If you’re interested in learning more about live/dry blood analysis, or you’re ready to get started today, please contact us!


Certificate in Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer - Two-days Seminar with book.


"In case of sickness, the cause should be ascertained. Unhealthful conditions should be changed, wrong habits corrected."






Conditions of Use and important Information:

This information is meant to supplement, not replace advice from your doctor or healthcare provider and is not meant to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions, or adverse effects.

This information may not fit your specific health circumstances. Never delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice from your doctor or qualified health care provider because of something you have read on the internet.

You should always speak with your doctor or health care professional before you start, stop, or change any prescribed part of your health care plan or treatment and to determine what course of therapy is right for you.

Information Regarding the Testing

The health check is made in a non-invasive way, without blood being drawn and without radiation being emitted. The testing device will not harm the human body. The analyzer measures the magnetic fields in your body to obtain the results, therefore wearers of peacemakers or those with metal surgical replacements may not be suitable for testing. The test is also not effective for pregnant or nursing women.



When our health is not in good condition, our body will automatically give out certain alarms, such as easy fatigue, body aches, headaches, insomnia, lack of appetite, depression, anxiety, stress, fear, bad temper, palpitation, dizziness, inertia, and so on. People who have these symptoms are determined to be in sub-health condition. The World Health Organization estimates that 10% of adults worldwide belong to this group. Is sub-health detectable? The answer is yes.

No longer will there be a need for ultrasonic, nuclear magnetic resonance or radiography in helping client target their health condition. Hi-Tech Diagnostic Analyzer will produce your client's health status in minutes introducing the newest high-tech innovation that combines the best of medicine, bio- informatics, electrical engineering and other sciences.

Applying quantum medicine as the theoretical basis, this advance electronic equipment collects the weak magnetic field of human cells for scientific analysis, thereby analyzing and determining a person's health status and main problems and putting forward standard prevention recommendations.

The first quantum machine was created on August 4, 2009 by Aaron D. O'Connell while pursuing his Ph.D. under the direction of Andrew N. Cleland and John M. Martinis at the University of California, Santa Barbara. They were able to make the resonator vibrate a small amount and a large amount simultaneously—an effect which would be impossible in classical physics. The ground breaking work was subsequently published in the journal Nature in March 2010. The journal Science declared the creation of the first quantum machine to be the "Breakthrough of the Year" of 2010.

Invented in China by a team of medical and computer experts, the Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer was developed based on the study of a hundred million cases over a period of many years. The accuracy rate of the analyzer device can reach up to 85%.

By holding the sensor in your palm, hundreds of health data will be obtained from your body within minutes. This is not a science fiction. It is the epoch-making high-tech quantum resonance magnetic analyzer.


  • Professional - Based on the study on a hundred million clinical cases for many years, several medical and computer experts invented quantum health
  • Comprehensive - The quantum health diagnostic instrument can make a comprehensive examination to human After the test 33 health reports can be obtained.
  • Accurate - The statistical analysis of health is carried out rigorously by using scientific methods and it is approved by many clinical

The accuracy rate of this healthcare product can reach up to 85%

  • Ahead - The diagnostic device can detect health changes before obvious symptoms and signs of disease The early detection will make for early treatment.
  • Simple - The operation of this health instrument is quite User can master the detecting techniques in a short time.
  • Convenient - Through using this health equipment, health check can be made anytime This will save time for clients.
  • Economic - The cost of testing is quite reasonable, acceptable for average
  • Security - The health check is made in a non-invasive way, so the instrument will not harm the An encryption lock can be removed when the device is not being used, therefore protecting the client's information.


The human body is an aggregate of numerous cells, which continuously grow, develop, split, regenerate and die. By splitting up, cells renew themselves. For adults, about 2.5 million cells are splitting up every second and blood cells are constantly renewing at the rate of about one hundred million per minute. In the process of cellular split up and renewal, the charged bodies of nucleus and extra-nuclear electrons as the basic unit of a cell, are moving and changing ceaselessly at a high speed as well, emitting electromagnetic waves without interruption. The signal of electromagnetic waves will be emitted by the conditions of good health, sub-health, disease, etc. the conditions of life can be analyzed if such specific electromagnetic wave signals can be analyzed.

Quantum Magnetic Resonance Health Analyzer is a new instrument created to analyze such phenomenon. The weak magnetic frequency and energy of human body are collected by holding the sensor, and after amplification by the instrument and treatment by the built- in microprocessor, the data are compared with the standard quantum spectrum of diseases, nutrition and other indicators incorporated in the instrument to judge whether the sample waveforms are irregular using the Fourier approach. Analysis and judgment can thus be made on health conditions and main problems of tested person based on the result of waveform analysis, as well as standard protective and curative proposals.

Multiple indicators of your health can be obtained within minutes. This analysis method is designed to save your time and energy. The database of the analysis system has been established with scientific methods, strict health statistic treatment and demonstration of many clinical studies.


  • You can accept the results and do nothing
  • You can address any health issues with appropriate dietary and lifestyle
  • You can have your health practitioner review the reports with you and make recommendations...
  • Whatever option you choose, your health is now in your


Depending on the specific health issue, changes may take from days to months. In most cases, the problem took a period to develop and it may take time to get your health back on track.


Generally, if you get re-tested after 30-90 days of your initial testing, you will see improvements in your test results Of course, if you don't make any positive health adjustments, you may see more negative results from your tests.


The health check is made in a non-invasive way, without blood being drawn and without radiation being emitted. The testing device will not harm the human body. The analyzer measures the magnetic fields in your body to obtain the results, therefore wearers of peacemakers or those with metal surgical replacements may not be suitable for testing. The test is also not effective for pregnant or nursing woman.